안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
San Diego Calvary Korean Church is looking for a children's pastor who will be in charge of the kindergarten department. Currently, there's an average of 20 students with 7 teachers and we have a set curriculum. We are seeking someone who loves children and has a passion to help with their spiritual growth.
Job description:
- plan and lead Sunday services
- coordinate and execute kindergarten events - assist with Sunday School programs and events - maintain good relationships with children and parents - can work with other pastors
- currently enrolled in or graduated from seminary OR majored in Christian Education
- fluent in English, but bilingual preferred
- can legally work in the United States
- ministry experience preferred
If interested, please send:
- a resume with a photo
- a self introduction and vision statement
- one pastoral recommendation
Please send documents or any questions to
Pastor Albert Chang (albychang@gmail.com, 201-566-6973) |