안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
13000 E. 68th Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Email: new@tulsakoreanchurch.net
Apply: https://www.tulsakoreanchurch.net/home/newpastor.html
Full-Time Young Adult Pastor as Worship Leader (청년부 사역자, 찬양 인도자)
Full-Time Youth Pastor (중고등부 사역자)
Part-Time Preschool Teacher (유치부 사역자)
After COVID-19, one of the largest Korean Churches in Oklahoma, The Korean Church of Tulsa, is searching for multiple positions who have accepted the call of God into several areas of ministries, having a heart for Korean American Young Adults, Youth, and Children. We would like for these pastors to introduce Young adults, Youth, and Children who are comfortable both speaking English and Korean to Christ, discipline them in spiritual growth and teach them to serve Christ with their hearts. The ministry will be in the area of, but not limited to, preaching, teaching, leading worship, counseling, assisting parents, and overseeing and supporting the Church activities entrusted to the leadership of the education, worship, and ministry. Should be able to understand and relate to ever-growing Korean American Young Adults, Youth, Children and their concerned Korean parents.
Preaching Sunday Worship Service in case of the Senior Pastor’s absence
Preaching Morning Prayer and Wed-Friday service in case of the Senior Pastor’s Absence
Work closely with the Senior Pastor to develop a weekly service plan that fits within the Church's vision.
Implement all musical and creative elements of worship gatherings and other events for the Church
Lead all worship and team rehearsals and recruit new musicians and vocalists
Mentor and shepherd worship teams and supervise the worship, audio, visual, and choir staff
Play an instrument (preferably a guitar or keyboard) and have good vocals
Feel an anointing for leading people into authentic worship
Work with visual presentation media and help get needed materials to them to be ready for Sunday Worship.
Manage daily office hours (40 hours per week) and perform hospitality as necessary to assist visitors
Participate and support as needed in the overall ministry of The Korean Church of Tulsa
Forming relationships with English-speaking Young adults of Korean-American Culture and mainly Korean-speaking parents in order to oversee and supervise our unique Korean-American environment that helps them grow in their faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
Directing and teaching Bible Study on Friday for Young adult group
Planning and Creating activities and programs, such as camps, and mission trips for Young adult ministry
Recruit volunteers to assist in supporting the overall Church activities.
Engage Young adults in activities outside of Church to show support and build relationships
Provide monthly Young adult report to Executive Deacon’s meeting
Manage any necessary form, document, and paperwork involved in the overall ministry of The Korean Church of Tulsa
Participate and join the Korean-American culture of the overall church member at large.
Preaching Morning Prayer and Friday worship service in case of the Young Adult Pastor’s Absence
Preaching English-speaking Sunday Worship Service for Youth
Manage daily office hours (40 hours per week) and perform hospitality as necessary to assist visitors
Participate and support as needed in the overall ministry of The Korean Church of Tulsa
Forming relationships with English-speaking Young adults of Korean-American Culture and mainly Korean-speaking parents in order to oversee and supervise our unique Korean-American environment that helps them grow in their faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
Directing and teaching Bible Study on Friday for Youth Group
Planning and Creating activities and program such as camps, retreats, revival, and training events for Youth Ministry
Recruit volunteers to assist in student ministry activities.
Communicating with Youth, Youth board leader, and regular members effectively
Engage Youth activities outside of Church to show support and build relationships
Provide monthly Youth report to Executive Deacon’s meeting
Manage any necessary form, document, and paperwork involved in the overall ministry of The Korean Church of Tulsa
Participate and join the Korean-American culture of the overall church member at large.
Preferably a spouse of a Young adult or Youth Pastor.
Preaching Sunday Worship Service in Korean/English in Preschool
Forming relationships with English-speaking Children of Korean-American Culture and mainly Korean-speaking parents in order to oversee and supervise our unique Korean-American environment that helps them grow in their faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
Directing and teaching Bible Study on Sunday for Preschool
Directing, Planning, and Arranging events, such as VBS, Good Friday, Hallelujah Day, and other Sunday School activities for Preschool.
Participate and join the Korean-American culture of the overall church member at large.
Clear vision and calling in Korean-American Young adult, youth, and children’s ministry.
Agree with Southern Baptist Theology and faith
Be able to preach, teach, guide, admonish, and most of all, love and mold them in the image of Jesus Christ.
Minimum 2 years of Education experience from an accredited institution in the United States
Formal Bible Training (a current seminary study accepted)
Young Adult and Youth Pastor: Master of Theology and Divinity degree holder or current student in Master of Theology and Divinity (Southern Baptist background and seminary preferred)
Ability to teach/preach in Korean and English in Korean-American group settings.
Korean-American culture friendly (should be willing to learn and understand Korean culture)
A good relationship with Kindergarten to Young adults.
If married, the spouse’s willingness to support church ministry.
한인교포 청년, 고등, 유치부 사역경험이나 비전이 있으신 분
남침례교단의 교리를 받아들이시는 분
한인교포 유년부를 영적으로 인도하며 뜨겁게 지도하실분
미국에서 2년이상 정규 교육받으신 분
정규 신학을 공부하시고 계신분 이나, 마치신 분
청년부/중고등부 사역: 목회학 석사 졸업 하신 분, 또는 예정이신 분 (남침례교단 우대)
한국어, 영어, 2중 언어로의 설교에 불편함이 없으신 분
한인 교포 문화를 이해하시거나, 잘 아시는 분
유아부터 청년까지 관계가 좋으신분
결혼하신분일 경우, 배우자의 사역동참 가능하시분 우대
Cover letter (소개서)
Spiritual Commitments (신앙고백서)
Resume (이력서)
Bible training certification (degree) or (scanned) transcript: submit a sealed transcript after hire (성적증명서)
2 Letters of Recommendation from previous, formal, and/or current Bible training (추천서)
Spouse’s credential of supporting your ministry (배우자 학력과 신앙고백서)
Family Photo with the introduction (가족사진과 소개)
Video examples(links) of your previous(current) ministry (설교영상)
1 Letter of Recommendation from personal reference, ex: co-workers, friends, or relative (개인적인 추천서)