워싱턴주 에드먼드시에 위치한 시애틀 연합장로교회에서 Elementary 사역자와 Youth 사역자를 청빙합니다.
어린이를 사랑하고 다음 세대 사역에 사명이 있는 분들의 많은 지원바랍니다.
사역에 따라 풀타임과 파트타임 조정이 가능합니다. (Part Time 급여: $2000/mo)
■주요 사역내용
part time시 : 주일 설교, 교사 교육, 상담, 절기 행사, 여름 행사
*영어 설교(한국어 의사소통이 필수는 아닙니다.)
1) 사진이 포함된 이력서
2) 졸업 또는 재학 증명서
제출된 서류는 반환하지 않습니다.
■제출방법: 메일 또는 이메일(upcs1980@gmail.com)
Description: The United Presbyterian Church of Seattle(UPCS) is North of Seattle in the city of Edmonds. We are seeking for a part-time pastors to shepherd our Elementary (grades 1-6) Group and Youth Group. We are searching for a pastor who will love, model, and teach our young children toward our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a part-time position for Sunday Worship and Bible Study.
Position: Part-time with possible transition to full-timeSalary: $2000/mo
1. Currently enrolled, or graduated from a theology program at an accredited seminary.
Verification will be requested prior to hiring.
2. Fluency in English. Fluency in Korean is not necessary
3. Previous children’s ministry experience preferred but we will consider all applications.
1) Resume (with a picture)
2) Proof of graduation or enrollment
*Please send by mail or email Church Office (UPCS1980@gmail.com)
시애틀 연합장로교회 The United Presbyterian Church of Seattle
8506 238th st. SW. Edmonds, WA 98026
Tel: 425-776-2711