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- 기독일보
[시애틀] 유초등부 사역자 청빙 (Children’s Ministry Director Position)
글쓴이시애틀 새…등록일 23-03-08 12:40
조회 32,328
시애틀새소망교회에서 다음세대를 함께 섬길 유초등부 디렉터를 찾고 있습니다. Seattle Sae-somang Church is looking for a candidate to fill a Children’s Ministry (PreK- 5th grade) director position.
1. About Us:
* Seattle Sae-somang Church is a young and growing church which was established in 2017. Our next generation ministry has been growing steadily and through the pandemic, and thus we are in need of an additional staff to join our team.
* 시애틀새소망교회는 2017년에 개척되어 꾸준히 성장하고 있는 건강한 교회입니다. 다음세대를 함께 돌보고 양육할 유초등부 디렉터를 찾고 있습니다.
2. About the Position
Half-time Children’s Ministry (PreK-5th Grade) - Director Position (준전임 유초등부 디렉터) Monthly Compensation: $2500 (사례: 월 $2500)
*Current ministry responsibilities include Sunday school program, seasonal events (Easter, VBS, Hallelujah Night, and Christmas), monthly activities, training teachers and volunteers, and attend pastors’ meetings. (현재 사역 내용은 주일학교 프로그램, 계절행사 (부활절, 여름성경학교, 할렐루야 나잇, 크리스마스), 매달 엑티비티, 교사와 봉사자 교육 및 교역자 회의 참석.)
3. Qualification
* Must love children and passionate about Children’s Ministry (유초등부 사역에 열정이 있는 분) * Must be a graduate or current student at an accredited seminary OR must hold a relevant degree in education. (교육관련 전공자) * Must be a US citizen or permanent resident. (사역을 위한 합법적인(영주권, 시민권) 신분) * 2+ years of relevant ministry experience is preferred. (2년 이상의 교육관련 사역 경험 선호) * Must be fluent in English but bilingual preferred (영어와 한국어로 의사소통이 가능하신 분 선호)
4. Application Requirements * Resume & Personal Statement (이력서 및 자기소개서) * Reference letters - 1 or more (추천서 1부) * Diploma (학위 증명서)
5. Start Date: Immediate/Flexible
6. Contact * Please submit your application and/or inquiry to Pastor Sung Kwang Kwon * Email Address: admin@seattlessmc.org * Church website: www.seattlessmc.org