안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
Korean Hope Church of Maryland (Southern Baptist), Glenwood, Maryland
Part-time Youth & Young Adult Director
Korean Hope Church of Maryland located in Glenwood, Maryland, is looking for a part time pastor who
will lead the youth/young adult English ministry. Please visit our website: http://mdhopechurch.org/
Job description
1. Teach and lead worship on Sundays
2. Coordinate bi-weekly (or weekly) meetings (small group, Bible studies, game nights, etc.)
3. Provide opportunities for mission (or community service)
4. Plan an annual retreat
1. Current accredited seminary student or graduate
2. Firm believer in the conservative evangelical Christian faith
3. Preferably someone with previous youth Ministry experience
Commensurate with experience
1. A resume
2. A self-introduction and vision statement
3. Contact information for a pastoral reference
NOTE: The part-time hours will be 10 – 15 hr/week. To apply or obtain more information, please
contact: Pastor Woongki “James” Lee, KoreanHopeChurchMD@gmail.com, 608-358-0484.