뉴저지 장로교회 유초등부 사역자 청빙
뉴저지 장로교회는 유초등부(1-5학년)를 위해 열성적이고 헌신적으로 섬겨주실 사역자님을 청빙합니다.
다음세대 어린 영혼들을 섬기시기를 소망하신다면, 뉴저지장로교회 믿음의 공동체가 여러분들을 초대합니다.
Presbyterian Church of New Jersey (www.kpcnj.org)
222 Ramapo Valley Rd Oakland NJ 07436
유초등부 담당 사역자: 1명 (파트타임/하프타임)
사역자의 사례비는 사역자의 경험과 자격에 기반하여 협의합니다.
• 유초등부 신앙교육의 비전 제시.
• 매주 하나님의 말씀을 선포하고 하나님의 말씀에 기초한 예배를 인도.
• 학생들과 교사들에게 영적인 지도와 목회 상담을 제공.
• 전년 동안 다양한 사역 행사와 프로그램을 전략적으로 계획하고 실행하며 평가함.
• 교사, 부모, 학생들과 꾸준한 소통을 유지하여 신앙 공동체를 유지.
• 매주 교사 회의 주관.
• 교육위원회 회의에 적극 참여하여 사역의 전반적인 비전과 목표 제시.
• 유초등부 사역에 대한 모범적인 영적 리더십과 헌신.
• 공인된 신학교의 졸업자 또는 재학 중인 학생.
이력서 (명함사진 포함), 자기소개서 (신앙고백), 사역비전
Email: pcnjschool@gmail.com (박현욱 목사)
Seeking a Pastor for Elementary Ministry (뉴저지 장로교회 유초등부 사역자 청빙)
The Presbyterian Church of New Jersey is currently in search of a dynamic and devoted Part-time/Half-time Pastor for
Elementary Ministry. We are seeking an individual with a deep maturity in faith, unwavering commitment to
Christ, and a remarkable gift for leadership. The Elementary Ministry at our church is vibrant and engaging,
catering to students in grades 1st to 5th. If you are passionate about guiding young hearts in their spiritual
journey and have a calling for leadership within a ministry setting, we invite you to consider joining our
dedicated team.
Church Information
Presbyterian Church of New Jersey (www.kpcnj.org)
222 Ramapo Valley Rd Oakland NJ 07436
Position Type
Compensation will be determined based on the candidate’s experience and qualifications.
Demonstrating a compassionate and approachable demeanor for the Elementary age group.
Delivering compelling sermons and leading worship every Sunday, rooted in the Word of God.
Offering spiritual guidance and pastoral counseling to both students and teachers.
Strategically planning, executing, and evaluating various ministry events and programs throughout the
Maintaining regular communication with teachers, parents, and students to foster a supportive
Conducting weekly teachers' meetings to ensure alignment and effective coordination.
Active participation in staff and committee meetings to contribute to the overall mission and vision of
the ministry.
Exemplary Spiritual Leadership and Wholehearted Commitment to Elementary Ministry.
Effective preaching and communication skills in fluent both Korean and English.
Graduate or current student of an accredited seminary, showcasing a strong theological foundation.
Proven experience in children's ministry, demonstrating a passion for nurturing spiritual growth in
young hearts.
Application (as soon as possible)
Resume (with photo), Vision sharing & Personal statement of faith.
Email: pcnjschool@gmail.com (Pastor Hyun Wook Pak)