안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
새크라멘토 방주선교교회에서 “예수의 제자되어 생명의
열매 맺는 풍성한 공동체”를 함께 꿈꿀 동역자를 찾습니다. 각 지원
사역은 유초등부 및 교회행정(half time), 중고등부 사역(half time)입니다.
중고등부 사역자(Youth Pastor)
Ark Mission Church is
located in Carmichael, CA, and we are seeking for a part-time youth pastor.
§ Weekly preaching and leading of youth service(예배 인도와 설교)
§ Planning and leading events throughout the year: summer
retreats, outing, and so on(연중행사계획)
§ Disciple teachers to shepherd the youth(중고등부 교사 훈련)
§ Church pastor meeting(교역자 회의)
§ Weekly Korea ministry(주중 KM 사역)
§ Must have a passion for youth in Christ’s love
§ Must be fluent in English
§ Bible college undergraduate degree B.A. or in
process of studying M.A., M.A.R., M.Div. from an accredited seminary.
Subscribe to Westminster
Confession of Faith
Required Documents: Resume, Salvation Testimony, Statement of
Faith & Philosophy of Ministry. One Reference.
*Applications will be accepted until the position is filled
유초등부와 교회행정 담당 사역자(Children Pastor)
§ Weekly
preaching and leading of children worship service
§ Leading
Bible Study and activity
§ Planning
and leading events throughout the year:
(Easter and New Year’s services, Christmas
performance, VBS, and others in need)
§ Church pastor meeting
§ Communicating and
building relationship with students and staffs
§ Weekly staffs meeting
§ Pastoral support and administration(교회 사무행정 및 목회사역 지원)
§ Must have a passion for children in Christ’s
§ Bilingual of English and Korean
§ Bachelor’s degree from a Christian University or
Bible College
Required Documents: Resume, Salvation Testimony, Statement of
Faith & Philosophy of Ministry.
One Reference.
* Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled
v 지원 및 청빙에 대한 문의사항은 이메일 arkmissionchurch5738@gmail.com 으로 보내주십시오.
Mission Church(방주선교 교회)
담임목사 하원식
Contact: arkmissionchurch5738@gmail.com