안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
GRACE BIBLE Church is seeking for a part-time Pastor for Youth
Grace Bible Church of Fairfax is looking for a youth pastor(EM, part time).
We are a non-denomination, healthy, growing, and vibrant Korean American church.
We are looking for a youth pastors who will teach our students with love of Jesus Christ and lead them in faith.
We are committed to nurturing and teaching our next generation the goodness of God; and will be providing full support and help with the needs of youth ministry.
- Love God and love the students
- Legally eligible to work in the US
- Fluent or proficient in English. Bilingual preferred.
- Graduated from or currently attending accredited Bible college or seminary
- Resume
- Hours: Sunday worship service; Bible study(weekday or weekend,
online or in person, flexible hours)
- Due; 4/2/2022(Sat.)
Please submit your resume, kgun413@hotmail.com or kanghj413@gmail.com
10501 Braddock Road, #7A-B, Fairfax, VA 22032
Senior Pastor Hee Jang Kang