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Calvary Gospel Presbyterian Church (갈보리복음교회 CGPCMD)
in Maryland Seeks EM Pastor (Part-time)
CGPCMD is a local expression of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and belongs to the Capital Presbytery of the PCA. Under the canopy of our Lord’s grace, CGPCMD was established by the merger between Calvary Presbyterian Church and Light of the Gospel Church on October 17, 2021. Our EM is deeply anchored in the gospel truth and love and searching a sincere minister. If you are open to join our vision, feel free to call and email us.
⚪︎ Position: EM Pastor
⚪︎ Commitment: Part Time [Our ministry has great potential to grow up as full-time in the near future]
⚪︎ Salary: $ 30,000 ($2,500 monthly).
⚪︎ Requirement
- M.Div Degree or within the Program (from an ATS accredited and committed to Reformed/Presbyterian Theology.)
- Ability to Prepare and Perform Exegetical/Expository Preaching.
- Pastoral Heart and Mind (Clear and Convincing Internal Calling for Pastoral Ministry)
⚪︎ Document to Submit
- A Resume and Recommendation Letters
- The Testimony of Faith and Internal Calling
- A Certificate of Graduation or an Enrollment Letter from a Seminary (Photocopy of MDiv Degree works).
- Licensure or A Letter of Good Standing (if Ordained) from Presbytery.
⚪︎ Contact: Rev. Jean Young Lee
Email: theophilo1435@gmail.com
Homepage: www.cgpcmd.org
Cell: 267-577-0755 (Church: 410-321-8030)
Address: 6800 Loch Raven Blvd, Towson MD 21286