안녕하세요. 게시판 사용자 여러분께 공지드립니다. 잦은 스팸으로 인하여 게시물 노출 방식을 불가피하게 수정하게 되었습니다. 게시물 등록 방식은 이전과 같고 노출은 관리자의 승인을 통해 이루어지게 됩니다. 글 작성후 24시간 내에 검토후 노출될 예정이오니 이용에 참고하여 주십시오. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 감사합니다. - 기독일보
An Introduction to Antioch Church and Brief History
Antioch Church of Philadelphia was planted in 1994 by our founding pastor Reverend Sung Kee Ho, with a clear vision summarized by the acronym MOVE (Missionary, One in Christ, Visionary, Exemplary), and is one of the representative churches in the Philadelphia region with a great passion for world missions. Rev. Ho also established a missions organization called PGM (Professionals for Global Missions) to train up laypeople for the work of missions. Currently, 259 missionaries have been sent out all over the world. There are 5 distinct congregations under the larger Antioch Church umbrella – the Antioch Korean Church, Antioch Church Embrace (English-speaking congregation), Antioch Spanish Church, Antioch All Nations Church (a multi-ethnic church plant in Upper Darby), and Antioch City Church (Korean-speaking college students and young professionals in Center City). All 5 congregations come together as one family under our “One in Christ Church” vision, and approximately 1,000 people worship on Sundays.
The Education Department is raising the next generation and sending them into the world to fulfill the Great Commission as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every Lord’s Day all 3 generations and all nations come together in Christ to worship, as we intentionally seek to overcome generational, cultural, linguistic, and ethnic differences and unite as one church in Christ.
The Education Department believes that our children must be much more than just beneficiaries of a good education. They are called to be missionaries that share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Every year our students participated in short-term missions, VBS, Antioch Carnival, and Christmas at Antioch among other events, through which they learn to serve others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
On average we have around 250 students attend on Sundays. We are currently looking for the right person to serve with us full-time as together we fulfill Antioch’s MOVE vision and serve our youth with the love of Christ.
Youth Director and Senior High Pastor (Full-time/Half-time; i.e. you can serve as a full-time pastor or half-time with reduced hours; you may apply as a Jundosa, if not ordained yet))
Job description:
1) Senior High Ministry
a. Lead Friday and Sunday worship services, preach God’s Word
b. Saturday morning prayer
c. Student leadership training
d. Counseling and mentoring of senior high students
e. Lead various activities
f. Etc.
2) Oversight and management of the Youth Department (Sr. and Jr. High)
a. Development/update of Bible study curriculums
b. Weekly bible study prep meeting with the teachers
c. Work with each department’s budget
d. Lead youth pastor’s meetings
- Counseling, mentoring of Jr. high pastor
e. Development of necessary programs
f. Etc.
• Graduate or current student of an accredited seminary (M.A. in Christian Education or M.Div equivalent)
• Bilingual (fluent in English and at least conversant in Korean)
• Must understand and fully embrace Antioch’s MOVE vision
• Educational ministry experience preferred
• Holder of permanent residence or citizenship
• Compensation will be commensurate to ministry experience.
• Benefits – Health Insurance
• Resume and personal statement (theological convictions, ministry experience, gifts, strengths and weaknesses, ministry philosophy, etc.)
• Proof of seminary graduation or student
• Proof of ordination and denomination membership (if applicable)
• 2 recommendation letters from pastors (letter from senior pastor of current or previous church preferred)
• 2 sermon videos (web links are acceptable)
• Family picture
Please submit application documents to:
Elder John Han – jjstat1234@gmail.com
Antioch Church of Philadelphia
1 Antioch Avenue,
Conshohocken, PA 19428