Presbyterian Church of NJ (뉴저지장로교회) Junior High Half-time Pastoral Position
| General Information:
Location: Oakland, New Jersey
Denomination: KPCA
Number of JH Students: 40+
Sunday Schedule: Staff meeting(10:45am)-Service(11:30am)-Lunch(12:20pm)-Small Group(12:50-1:30pm)
Number of Staffs: 2 deacons, 6 teachers
Praise team Leading: 5 Students
Ministry Days: Three days including Sunday
| Primary Responsibilities:
-Develop and facilitate creative, relevant, intentional, and age-appropriate worship and small group environments for Junior High students.
-Develop leaders (both adults and students) who invest in the Junior High ministry at Current.
-Utilize Student Ministry as a platform to reach and connect with parents through communication, training and other means.
-Preach and teach in a way that invites new students into a relationship with Jesus, and challenges everyone to grow deeper in their relationship with him.
-Plan, coordinate, and staff Junior High trips and events.
| Capabilities and Characteristics:
-Strong desire to build and grow ministry.
-Strong work ethic, and energized by a calling to student ministry.
-Committed to the vision and beliefs of Current PCNJ
-Communicates effectively with parents and students (written and verbal)
-Team player/collaborative approach to ministry.
-Bachelor’s Degree from a Bible College or above
-Some experience in student ministry is preferred, but not required.
-Passionate about developing students into “world changers” for Christ.
| Compensation:
-Health Insurance with Basic Dental Care
-Cell Phone Reimbursement , etc.
| Application:
Please send resume with photo and statement of faith to (Rev. Paul H. Ahn)
뉴저지장로교회(KPCA교단, 오클랜드 캠퍼스 소재)에서 비전과 소명을 가지고 힘차게 사역하실 하프타임 중등부 교역자를 모십니다.
| 중등부 소개
-학생수: 주일 평균출석 45명
-섬김이: 부장,부감 + 교사 6명
-예배공간: 중등부 단독 예배실과 라운지
-주일 스케줄: 스텝미팅(10:45am)-예배(11:30am)-점심(12:20pm)-분반공부(12:50pm)
| 지원 자격
-예수를 믿고 거듭나고 사역자로 부르심이 명확한 분
-Youth에 대한 사랑과 비전이 확고한 분
-신학전공(학부, 대학원)
| 사역 내용
-주일예배/금요모임 인도와 설교를 주관 (주 3일(주일포함))
-학생/리더/교사 지도 및 교육
-교육부 협력사역
| 사례내역
- $2,500/월
-휴가, 교육 지원
| 기타사항
-종교비자 스폰서 가능
-목사안수 적극협조(단, 일정기간 사역 후)
| 지원방법
-이력서(사진포함)와 신앙고백서를 아래의 이메일로 접수안현수 목사 (충원시 광고삭제)