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- 기독일보
[뉴저지] 한소망교회 중고등부 사역자 모집 Hope Church Youth Group Pastor [Full/Half Time]
글쓴이Hope Church등록일 22-08-02 19:05
조회 14,870
Hope Presbyterian Church started a Korean centered Ministry 37 years ago but, we desire to become a multicultural church family that magnifies God through Gospel-transformed lives, grace-overflowing community, and cross-cultural mission. We are currently seeking a Youth Group Pastor who has a call to shepherd the flock, a gifting to preach the Word of God, a heart for the lost, and a passion to activate kingdom work leading its Youth Group Ministry communicating mainly with the director of Youth Group, director of Education Department, and Senior Pastor. For more details about Hope Presbyterian Church, see our website at www.hopechurchusa.org
1. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1) Lead Sunday Worship service and small group Bible studies 2) Lead Friday Worship Night (once a month) and Friday Activities (games, events, outings, etc.) 3) Short Term Mission Trips and retreats (Summer / Winter) 4) Recruit, train, supervise, and encourage counselors for teaching, support and leadership roles 5) Counsel students and parents who need guidance 6) Develop Young Adult Group ministry (high school graduates through beginning of parenthood) focusing on prayer and Bible study meetings
2. Qualification 1) Accredited theological seminary graduate (M. Div) 2) Minimum 2 years of English Ministry experience 3) Authorized to work in US (Citizenship or Permanent Resident)
3. Credentials and other documents to submit 1) Resume (with picture) 2) A personal mission statement and testimony 3) A Vision Statement 4) A copy of M. Div. diploma of theological seminary 5) Two video or audio sermon examples (Youtube links or electronic files). 6) Two recommendation letters * Submit all documents to : HopeRecruitCmte@gmail.com
4. Compensation [Full time] $60-65k depending on experience [Half or Part Time] $24k~36k